This painting by Albert Baure, titled “Usine de Coutellerie a Thiers” is an excellent representation of the factory work in Thiers. Men, women, and children all contributed to the cutlery production.
Media Category: Thiers
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An elegent Navaja held in the Musee du Coutelerie collection. The museum has many knives made in Thiers but also many from Spain.
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Catalogues of knives made in Thiers and exported worldwide. Thiers workers were happy to make knives to suit every regional taste around France, Spain, and Italy.
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The Musee du Coutelerie (Cutlery Museum) is a great archive of Thier’s history and workers. This brass sheet was a maker’s mark index for the city’s many cutlers.
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Mechanical forge hammers connected to the water-wheel by factory-wide belting systems allowed all workers to work independently and efficiently.
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All of the artisan cutlery shops sell their own knives, but also some knives of their neighbors. This ancient cooperation and cohabitation made Thiers the singular destination for all cutlery enthusiasts and consumers, and continues to benefit all it’s resident cutlers today.
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Scissors, kitchen knives, butcher knives, razors, and all types of cutlery are hand-made in Thiers.
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A fine ivory handled knive made in Thiers and held at the Musee du Coutelerie. The cork screw was hand forged and a very traditional feature of French knives.
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A Durole river water wheel left in place, still turning with the river’s flow.
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Some of the factory houses have been converted to private residences, though most are left to crumble and rust.