J. H. Lau & Co. – Sporting Equipment Distributors in New York
1866 – Approx. 1920
J. H. Lau & Co. were dealers and distributors of fire arms, ammunition, fencing equipment and other athletic goods in New York. Many antique foils, epees and sabres found in the United States bear the mark “J.H. Lau & Co. New York” as they were large scale distributors established in 1866. There’s no evidence that J.H. Lau & Co. manufactured their own weaponry and equipment but rather distributed equipment, probably from some of the European companies.
Lovers of fencing and other gymnastic exercises will do well to consult the catalogue furnished by J. H. Lau & Co., dealers in fire arms, ammunition, fencing and athletic goods, etc. The assortment kept in stock by this firm is of the best. Address J. H. Lau & Co., 75 Chambers St., New York City. – The Sportsman’s Directory and Year Book, Pond and Coldey, 1882, p. 189
The proprietor of the company died on October 23, 1904, though the operations continued unfettered:
J. H. Lau & Co. announce with deepest sorrow the death of their Mr. J. H. Lau, on Sunday, Oct. 23. Referring to the above card. we beg to announce that the firm of J. H. Lau & Co. will be continued under the same firm name as heretofore, with no change in its policy or management, and we hope to receive a continuance of the favors you have extended to us in the past. – American Rifleman, Volume 37, 1904
J. H. Lau & Co. was eventually acquired by, or merged with, another firearms company J. L. Galef & Son, Inc., founded by Jacques L. Galef before the turn of the 20th century. The acquisition was likely between 1915 and 1920 as the address advertised by J. L. Galef changes from 258 Broadway, New York in 1915 (as seen in Hunter-Trader-Trapper, Volume 31, 1915) to J. H. Lau & Co.’s address of 75 Chambers Street by 1920. Theres no indication that J. L. Galef continued selling fencing and sporting equipment after the acquisition.