With the additions of the French Poignard, Versatile French Foil, and Merignac Foil the catalog if now 50% complete at the end of 2016. These first 6 weapons were the “easy” ones with in-stock parts. The next 6 weapons will be developed and launched over the next half year. The pending designs for 2017 are as follows:
1st Quarter 2017
Italian Dueling Sword: New 3D printed crossbar and new spun steel guard all designed to match Aurelio Greco’s 1907 La Spada E La Sua Applicazione specifications.
French Dueling Sword (x2): Two French dueling swords (epees) for beginning and advanced fencers featuring a new larger & deeper guard.
Italian Dueling Sabre: Sabre with Parise-style guard, curved blade, and new steel grip backstrap.
2nd Quarter 2017
Southern Italian Foil: Italian foil built to the exact specifications of Masaniello Parise, including a new rimmed guard and crossbar.
Neapolitan Foil: A late Italian rapier / early foil featuring new crossbar with knucklebow and rimmed guard.
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